Wednesday, June 1, 2011

music symbols and meanings

music symbols and meanings. Modern musical symbols
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  • DeSnousa
    May 27, 10:20 PM
    I like the new version. But can i recommend that you do what the weather widget does, where you click on it and it gives you a small version and then a more informed version.

    EDIT: sorry my ignorance you can. Now i can fully give this widget two thumbs up.

    music symbols and meanings. Symbols and Meanings.
  • Symbols and Meanings.

  • MacFly123
    Feb 18, 06:44 PM
    How much money round that table??!!

    That's a lot of money in one room! :eek::eek:

    Haha, that's what I was thinking! :D Very powerful and influential people around that table. Kind of odd and surreal! They are just normal people.

    He doesn't look anywhere near as bad as he did in those "genuine" photographs from a certain news organisation. :rolleyes:

    I can't seem to find those pics. Did they publish them? Do you have a link?

    Notice Steve is the only guy without wine?

    He is undergoing treatment for cancer.
    What is so strange about him not drinking alcohol?

    Actually, there are just two guys with Wine in the whole room, they all have water or something like that... (Check out the big flickr pic from the previous poster)

    Yes it looks like there are other people with water but does Steve drink? I don't think he does. :confused:

    Everyone is dressed up but Steve....awesome.

    He did wear a tux to the oscars at least.

    Ya it was weird seeing Steve in a tux or anything but his standard uniform haha! :D

    I would honestly love to see his closet lol! Probably like Earnest... Nothing but black turtle necks, Levis jeans, and NewBalance sneakers haha! :p

    [SIZE=1]Get better for the sake of mankind, mr jobs!

    No kidding! Please Steve! :(

    Good to see that's Steve is still well enough to attend such things. Still very thin mind you.

    Yes, for sure!

    music symbols and meanings. images of music notes symbols
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  • MacFreak2011
    Apr 5, 11:42 AM
    I hope the next gen iPod touch has a smart cover like the iPad. Thatd be adorable :P

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  • leekohler
    Mar 11, 02:59 PM
    Have you looked at the Chrysler 200 convertible. It's pretty sharp but not as "macho" as the camaro or challenger. I had a sebring years ago, and loved it even though it was iffy as far as "quality." Still, probably the best convertible I've ever had. I rented a g6 hardtop convertible and it was great other than the tiny trunk.

    No offense, but that is one ugly car and far too conservative for me. If I was married off and had kids, sure. ;)


    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
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  • KershMan
    Mar 23, 05:28 PM
    You can't assume this will be used for SIPR. What about all the unclassified computers and devices? Our base has been fiddling around with some wifi lately. I don't know if we'll actually get it (doubt it) but it's a possibility.

    And the Army in particular has been working on real, secure, Wi-Fi for years. Their intent is to have very hardened, approved, encryption to deliver secure data over a Wi-Fi type network to get data into mobile devices.

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • Vantage Point
    Mar 19, 05:49 PM
    Tiny discounts like that are why people will buy from places like Amazon since even if the price is identical they save much more on the sales tax.


    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
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  • AppliedVisual
    Nov 14, 11:48 AM
    OK, now that we'll have iPod integration on flights from major airlines... And there's talk of broadband access in-flight at some point in the near future. Hmmm... I can see it now. Steve's plan is to have the iPod integration in place so that the next time I'm on a 14 hour flight, I have nothing to do but play with my iPod and shop the iTunes store. ...World domination, one small step at a time.

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • wacky4alanis
    Jan 7, 03:19 PM
    What are people mainly using the Push for? I certainly wouldn't want to be updated every time one of my friends posts on Facebook... I know there are different settings - just wondering what kind of updates people use this for.


    music symbols and meanings. symbols m meanings,
  • symbols m meanings,

  • tigres
    Apr 5, 09:06 AM
    He won't eat it. He hates everything!
    He LIKES it! Hey Mikey!

    Such is Life.;)

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • valkraider
    Aug 19, 10:43 AM
    While I am never going to use Places - or anything else like it - I think all these worries may be a little misplaced.

    People can sit outside your home and watch to see if you are home. People can look at your lights or your windows or even send someone to knock on your door - and find out if you are home.

    People were getting robbed long before Facebook.

    And also - status updates like "Having fun on vacation in Hong Kong - two weeks seems too short" make it painfully obvious that you are not at home....

    And even though you can set this stuff only visible to friends - and even set up groups within your friends like "trusted" and "not trusted" or "work" and "personal" and you can adjust visibility that way at a granular level - even though you can do all that: There are ways that the rest of the world can "mine" all of your posts and data.

    Just assume that anything you put on facebook is visible to the entire world and will be so for the rest of time...

    But I won't use Places. People I want to know where I am - I tell them.


    music symbols and meanings. -symbols-their-meanings.
  • -symbols-their-meanings.

  • Bodhi395
    Mar 26, 03:22 PM
    He rich, yet he wears the same thing every day?

    He's very into simplicity and minimalism, just look at the way apple products are designed. I think its a conscious choice to wear a simple black turtleneck and jeans, even though he could easily afford any clothes he wanted.

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • azraq27
    Nov 21, 04:35 PM
    Here's my idea:

    Hook up that chip, and then just keep overclocking the thing... you don't have to worry about it overheating and melting, it'll just give you more battery life.

    It could go infinitely fast for infinitely long!

    There's probably something in there about conduction and efficiency and stuff, but I'll leave that to the engineers


    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • Big JW
    Oct 26, 10:14 PM
    Seriously, does anyone know how to use an email address that is not a address as the reply-to in .mac webmal?

    I only use the webmail at work, and at home Mac OS X Mail lets me use my "real" email address as the reply-to. I would love to know how to do it in webmail. An earlier poster said you can, but I just can't see how.

    Thanks for the help...

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • atomwork
    Sep 13, 09:20 AM
    you know what. If Apple would finally give up ther Megaherz Myth and equal up the numbers that PCs have, then dummies out there would understand the need of a mac. So far the service, the own apps and etc is amazing. But what does it matter if my mom would never get it?



    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • kiljoy616
    Apr 6, 02:17 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

    Well said and that is a good thing, but at least not when it comes to UI. That is where to me Windows fails every time. :rolleyes:

    music symbols and meanings. music shore cast season
  • music shore cast season

  • Gasu E.
    Sep 26, 10:08 AM
    OI! APPLE LAWERS!!! YEAH YOU!!! Read some Mintzberg, or Mead, or (and I'd strongly advise this) Andrew Bailey. Basically, get those HBS grads out of your org and stop using crappy outdated Business School Methods. It was once the way to go. But what they don't consider are Gender and Cultures! You wanna piss me off: You loose my custom.

    Sorry for the moan, but the litigation era was over in the 90's.

    It's about Love Marks now, and your Lawers are hurting your brand!!! Fix it before it's too late!

    Oh, calm down and read all the links. There's been no litigation. Apple was pretty damn polite in its one cease-and-desist. Under US law, if you don't defend your trademarks you lose them, and the links discussing their trademark applications indicate that Apple may already be in trouble on that score already.

    P.S. I read Mintzberg in business school in 1981. "Gender and Cultures" is a non sequiter right out of a university course catalog. ROFL. YDKWTFYATA.


    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • inkhead
    Sep 1, 11:38 PM

    Please don't assume. First of all, I pay for 4 active ADC memberships. I usually buy about 4 WWDC tickets. This year as every year, I bought my own WWDC ticket. My employer (myself) is mean ;-) However this year for the first time in 5 years I wasn't able to attend because of knee surgery recovery running longer than expected. I planned my surgery around WWDC.

    So let me get this right? You are saying that the sessions shouldn't be online because you are poor and don't want people who get their wwdc tickets for free to get the jump on you.

    SO WHAT about all the PEOPLE POORER than you who can't afford WWDC? So you are saying they don't deserve a chance to learn leopard?

    What you are saying is a double standard!

    Regardless, my issue isn't money, and the WWDC sessions are always put up online, which they will be shortly. It would just be nice if Apple got on the ball.

    I realize you don't want the session videos online because the college student who has $498, and overdraws his bank account to get ADC select, might get the jump on you, and since you EVEN though you paid it out of pocket were able to afford $2300, you are using this to say that more money should buy more?, but not really?

    Think about what your saying.. claiming to be poor, but it only works as long as you aren't the one cut off.

    either way I can afford any Mac, or Apple product I want, and development is a passion for me not a requirement to survive. I don't need to work, I want to work. But saying that your not going to be able to compete with somebody like me with unlimited funds... isn't true. Mac OS X is the best platform to develop for if you want to level the playing field. You notice many of the Apple Design Awards went to SMALL companies? On the mac platform, many, many small companies, and one man shows are making very good money! You have just as much chance as me, even if I have more resources money, machines, and people. It's easy to innovate.

    This is the first year that I went to WWDC and I am a ADC Select developer like you. However, the difference is I had to pay 100% out of pocket to go. My employer does not use Macs and I had to do it on my own.* At the conference, I met a lot of developers whose companies paid for the trip and they stayed in the Hyatts ($200 a night).. My gf and I stayed at the crappy hotel by 7th street which was in a unsafe part of SOMA plus I used a week of my own PTO etc..*

    It sure was alot of money ~$2300.* I sure could have done alot with that but I used it for my education and check out WWDC.* It really adds alot of value to the conference to really get the new bits. * I do not think it is fair to wait for the general rollout to ADC if you are charging so much for the conference. *This year, there was not a lot of new things besides Leopard.. Leopard was the star show and only partially revealed. Therefore the revealed parts and Leopard sessions were the key points and those were pretty tight lipped and the mostly the value of going.

    So,* why should you be able to see the sessions and get the same seed three weeks later? *Its not fair to independent developers like me and gives my project a jump start against potential competetors like you..* **

    I skipped last two years WWDC and waited until Tiger was ADC seeded and have been watching the 2005 sessions without going to WWDC the same as you..* So, i have been on both sides of the fence.* Once you pay for WWDC yourself, then you really understand that its right to let the WWDC get the first drink from the water fountain and drink for awhile.


    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • t0rr3s
    Feb 19, 03:18 AM
    I am thinner than Steve Jobs. How long do I have left?

    You're already dead. You only appear on forums. Go run naked in the streets. No one will able to see you. ;)

    music symbols and meanings. music symbols and meanings.
  • music symbols and meanings.

  • andrew050703
    Oct 16, 04:45 PM
    every time a rumor comes up regarding "the" iPhone I will vote negative for it. i just can't hear it anymore.

    If they release one, good, but please stop the rumors.

    iPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPho neiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiP honeiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhoneiPhone

    heheh - you forgot the 'memron' laptops next tuesday rumors :rolleyes:

    seriously though, is there any need for nanos or ipods if these new candybar/smartpda iphones come out? I mean what's the advantage of having two devices (phone & ipod) when you can just have the one - most likely cheaper - so is this the death of the ipod?

    Jul 7, 06:41 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/4A102 Safari/419.3)

    might join you there. I'm in Filey the now. What time does o2 open at????

    Apr 14, 01:14 PM (

    Apr 15, 01:02 AM
    From what I heard that'll be an improvement for MobileMe group! ;)
    Yes, just what Apple needs -- data center managers from the company responsible for the T-Mobile/Sidekick disaster.

    Apr 3, 08:14 PM
    The question should be whether the economy would have been even worse without the tax cuts. The article does not address this.
    How would one find the answer to this?
    Coincidentally, I've been toying with moving to either Washington or Texas and I've finally decided that it's time. For the cost of taxes in California, I could pay my rent in Washington or Texas for the entire year. And I can't think of one thing the California state government provides that the Washington state government doesn't that I would really miss.
    The weather sucks big time in Washington state, Texas is much nicer (so I hear). A great many natives of the PNW can become real excretory orifices when they find out you are from California.

    Apr 5, 05:52 PM
    However, one question that intrigues me is Europe's mini-USB adoption with cell devices. How will this factor in?

    that's exactly what i was wondering about! i don't know if EU regulations apply to the ipad, but they certainly do apply to the iphone. and i think, apple has to include a miniUSB port (standardized charger) to the iphone 5 if they want to sell it here in europe. a simply dock connector just won't do.

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