Wednesday, June 1, 2011

russell brand

russell brand. Russell Brand - Cool or Not
  • Russell Brand - Cool or Not

  • ju5tin81
    Sep 28, 03:14 AM
    They'd better start shipping the portables with more roomy hard drives soon...

    These software updates are getting HUUUUUUUGGGGGE!:(

    russell brand. Russell Brand Thorough Not
  • Russell Brand Thorough Not

  • rhomsy
    Feb 25, 10:14 AM
    Not every consumer is as tech savvy as the rest of us... same goes as to the bad loans by greedy mortgage lenders...

    That is a bunch of BS too. Greedy mortgage lenders, or greedy homeowners, which is it? I could see the argument when mortgages were difficult to figure out, but then the industry got regulated with Truth in Lending, etc. The Truth in Lending Statement is a simple one page statement, in plain english, that breaks down the loan, and the borrower's commitment, in elementary school terms. Example: you have to pay $1,985.00 per month, for the next 30 years.

    So what happens, idiots sign it, take the loan, usually take a payout too as part of the loan, and then later file a claim against the bank saying they never could afford the loan. What???????

    With freedom comes responsibility. If you don't want the responsibility of what happens when you can't pay the loan, then you lose your freedom. If the law becomes (if it already hasn't), that you can get out of loans, scott free when it goes bad, and it has to be crystal clear on the bank's part that you have more than enough $$$$ to pay the loan under all circumstances, then do you really think banks will be giving out loans to lower-middle class families. NOOOOO. They will forever be stuck as renters. They lost the ability to take the risk, if they chose, to do something different with their money and their lives.

    I deal with this crap every day. I see some moron do a refi to take money out for a business venture. The venture doesn't pan-out, and he gets foreclosed. Then he cries to the court that he never should have gotten the loan. He took a risk, and it failed. Why is that the bank's fault. Now, he and others in his position, will lose the ability to take that risk to try to better themselves. The government isn't protecting them, they are entrenching them in their current class, and making it impossible for them to advance. They've taken away their freedom.

    russell brand. Russell Brand
  • Russell Brand

  • bwaltens
    Mar 4, 09:03 PM
    I'm going to try to get there after school, so about 3 o'clock. Do you think this will be enough time? i'm going to the southlake store

    russell brand. See All Russell Brand Pics »
  • See All Russell Brand Pics »

  • ECUpirate44
    Feb 18, 10:32 AM
    I could sit outside a Palo Alto cancer treatment center with a camera and produce a dozen, faceless shots of thin, old white men in jeans every day.

    +1. To speculate about that picture is ridiculous.


    russell brand. russell brand
  • russell brand

  • Digital Skunk
    Feb 27, 04:33 PM
    Let's say that the desktop and the server editions are DIFFERENT software. Ubuntu is a desktop OS with a full graphical user interface and Ubuntu Server is a full server platform WITHOUT ANY graphical user interface. Repeat: no GUI at all, leave your mouse at home, you won't be needing it. Instead, Ubuntu Server comes with options to be installed as a cloud server, a LAMP stack or for other typical server-only tasks like file and print or database or directory services.

    But you are right that both Ubuntu versions use the same repositories and that with sufficient work one can eventually do what the other does or be configured to become the other edition; they are just pre-packaged for completely different uses.

    While on the other hand, the OS X client before Lion could never become a full OS X server, at least not when you wanted to replicate or use Apple's proprietary server software and tools on the desktop version of the OS.

    When I first read about, I still thought that they would be releasing another version of OS X server. But then I visited Apple's website and their wording didn't leave much room for interpretation: Yes, whatever server features Apple wants to save are now becoming a part of the standard package of OS X Lion. There won't be a separate server edition anymore.

    And it makes sense. They buried their server business, so they don't need to develop, market, ship and support a separate server OS anymore.

    This all goes along with some of the speculation in my neck of the woods. Apple may have just setup the Mac Pro server option as a temporary fix for those needing a dedicated server that wasn't a mini . . . since they murdered the Xserve.

    There's no way anyone in the market for an Xserve will want to stick a Mac Pro in their racks, and a Mini just won't cut it power wise.

    Putting the features that SoHo users want in a server in the desktop client will just push the desktop version further up the "what a deal" ladder and leave the Mac server business buried forever.

    russell brand. russell brand
  • russell brand

  • spazzcat
    Aug 19, 11:51 AM
    I wounder if it will be better then foursqure?


    russell brand. A Russell Brand Picture
  • A Russell Brand Picture

  • DaveGee
    Apr 16, 03:50 PM
    I'm not a developer and have no idea what their policies are but will say I think it's a bit lame to have that double standard. If I was the cartoonist I wouldn't have resubmitted it.

    THANK YOU! :)

    russell brand. actor Russell Brand who
  • actor Russell Brand who

  • JeffTL
    Sep 14, 10:06 PM
    I haven't ever been under general anesthesia per se, but for having my wisdom teeth out about 3 weeks ago I was sedated by IV injection with Diprivan (basically the same thing as a general anesthesia from my perspective -- I was out). An hour beforehand I had taken Ativan as a tranquilizer and during the operation I was given three shots, one of which was Demerol (pain killer) and I think one of the others was Valium. I didn't really perceive anything much that I remember until a while after the surgery -- though third-party accounts indicate that halfway home from the oral surgeon I was able to finally determine that I was in a car on Dodge Street -- but the amnesia effect of the Diprivan was pretty strong (there may have been Versed, I don't know). I do however very vaguely -- almost like a distant dream -- remember waking up after the surgery and telling the nurse I wasn't ready to leave recovery yet.

    Basically it's like nothing at all -- my tranquilized self got into a dental chair, the doctor stuck a butterfly-type IV in my right elbow, and hooked up a syringe of white liquid. I asked what was in the IV, the nurse said it was Diprivan, and I felt myself fade out.

    Obviously back surgery under general anesthesia will be different from oral surgery under conscious sedation, but I've shared my experience FWIW.


    russell brand. Russell Brand reveals his new
  • Russell Brand reveals his new

  • DennisVR
    May 2, 01:12 PM
    It confirms that wearing black makes you look thinner. :cool:

    russell brand. Russell Brand
  • Russell Brand

  • anonymous6237
    Mar 11, 09:04 AM
    We are 12th and 13th at Willow Bend. We are currently at the end of the line. There is a roped off area and they are saying LIMIT TWO PER PERSON.

    Thanks for the Willow Bend update. I'm planning on heading over around 1:30 and hope to not be too far back in line.


    russell brand. Russell Brand.
  • Russell Brand.

  • mdgm
    May 6, 07:31 AM
    You're welcome. Hope you like your SSD upgrade. You may wish to take a look at

    Some older Mac Minis can have the CPU upgraded, but on both 09 Minis (they are very, very similar) the CPUs are definitely soldered on. This kind of info would be shown in a teardown of a Mac (these tend to be done fairly quickly after a new model is released)

    russell brand. Russell Brand hosting the
  • Russell Brand hosting the

  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 06:39 PM
    Isn't the current federal tax on gas a type of driving tax? :)


    russell brand. Russell Brand Could Be Jack
  • Russell Brand Could Be Jack

  • eastercat
    Jun 11, 12:39 AM
    It probably won't happen, but T-mobile is, at least, a better candidate for having the iPhone that Verizon. T-mobile is GSM, they've never turned Apple down and they don't release advertisements mocking the iPhone.

    russell brand. British comedian Russell Brand
  • British comedian Russell Brand

  • JML42691
    Mar 13, 10:17 AM
    Checked my phone at about 3:06 this morning, when I hit the sleep/wake button the lockscreen clock said 2:06, but as soon as I unlocked the screen the clock adjusted to 3:06, hardly a problem for me, and Verizon iPhone by the way.


    russell brand. Russell Brand
  • Russell Brand

  • bruinsrme
    Apr 5, 08:09 AM
    yeah I can see his point.
    However there will be efforts to make it like a pc through accessorizing the device

    russell brand. Russell Brand#39;s got a plastic
  • Russell Brand#39;s got a plastic

  • tvguy
    Mar 2, 12:15 PM
    for a small sum of a $1billion usd, i volunteer to watch over the innocent children and their purchases. I will smack their little fingers with a a bamboo cane. Suddenly this reminds me of that south park episode where they started smacking "add" kids. "sit down and study." i think parents need to get caned then schooled into using parental controls



    russell brand. First Footage: Russell Brand
  • First Footage: Russell Brand

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 18, 06:39 AM
    Welcome gman20 to the team :)

    Your stats:

    Great to see some new users, also great to see our active users increase :D

    russell brand. Russell Brand read each
  • Russell Brand read each

  • BRLawyer
    Mar 26, 04:53 PM
    ""They're going to see it all eventually so who cares how they get it." Which seemed to be about web content, said the tipster."

    How can that be interpreted about web content ? :confused:

    Exactly, Jobs was just talking about paparazzi taking pics of 'em. :D

    russell brand. night as Russell Brand and
  • night as Russell Brand and

  • ChrisA
    Sep 25, 11:03 AM
    The worst "feature" of Aperture is the high computer requirements. It really is a resource hog for not much reason. LR is becoming very similar with far less system specs.

    One NEW feature of 1.5 quoted from web site......

    Run Aperture on any Intel-based Mac. Any desktop, including Mac mini, iMac, and Mac Pro. Or any notebook, including MacBook and MacBook Pro.

    Mar 31, 04:52 PM
    This seems to be the demo title - is that because it's mearly a 3D version of Pilot Wings 64?

    Seems to be the same as the N64 version when I was doing Free Flight on the Island.

    Want to see what Starfox is like, though I heard it's also the same as the N64...

    It's actually more of an extended version of the Wii Resort's flight game. Same exact island. Everything looks and feels the same.

    The 3DS feels like a portable Wii.

    I liked Star Fox 64, but I nope it's a new game.

    Aug 14, 08:43 PM
    The only people who like these ads are mac users. They make the zealots feel special and supperior which might have been the whole point. As said before, you never get customers by making fun of them. These ads only alienate POTENTIAL customers, thats not a success and its not brilliant. So far apple users are the only ones defending these ads as representing products rather than the people who use the products. If everyone else doesnt see it the same way then the ad is a failure no matter how much people argue, once the target audience misses the point then youve lost. Youll get absolutely nowhere asking "are these ads elistist?" on a mac forum, go ask it on a forum with a high number of PC users and Im sure the responses will be 100% different. Computers arent cheap, if you make fun of someone who spent a lot of money on something, something they probably like a lot, youll just make them defend themselves if you act like they made a stupid decision. I mean jeez, how is that not common sense?

    While Im sure they made a few sales with the ads (or pushed a lot of people on the edge of getting a mac back over to the PC side), they could have made MUCH better ones that didnt make fun of potential customers. HP's commercials are good examples of how to sell a computer, they show celebrities and all the things they do on their laptop. Someone new to computers is going to see that ad much more favorably over the apple ad since it actually shows why they should get a computer rather than how stupid everyone else is for not having a mac.

    The ads were well executed like usual, but the stupid idea strengthens the stereotype of apple user elitism. I think apple should try to fix that stereotype rather than keep reinforcing it. Instead of saying "hey dumbass, stop playing with calculator and get a mac" in a passive aggressive way, they could have said "pc's are cool but you might find that macs are better at a lot of things, check it out."

    Dec 27, 08:53 PM
    Also you would have to say the Consumerist (well-respected blog) is lying and AT&T isn't. Do you really believe that? The original reason the Consumerist went after this story was that people were having this problem and they initiated their own investigation.

    No, I said and say nothing of the sort. What I said is that it sounds like the Counsumerist talked to a call center employee who didn't know what was actually going on. The Consumerist was not lying, nor was AT&T lying; the call center employee wasn't even lying...s/he was just talking out of his or her ass. Call center employees are underpaid and under-trained, and half the time I think they're just trying to BS their way through the day. It has happened many times before that a low-level employee who is not even close to the loop has said something that has to be walked back by management. Always such things become gospel and remain fodder for conspiracy theorists. This strikes me as one of those cases.

    Apr 27, 06:59 PM
    Oh hai Donald. (

    Apr 30, 04:22 PM

    It might just be me but I tried the Nexus S for three whole days and I found it incredibly confusing to use than my iPhone.

    What's more is, I got used to the iPhone on the first day of using it.

    You just made his point

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